Welcome Students
It’s a good idea to bookmark this page for future reference. You will use this page to schedule your sessions, make payments and to access any resources that we discuss.
Hello and welcome! I’m truly excited to be able to collaborate and coach you toward your goals in affiliate marketing.
This page will serve as your home base during our coaching sessions and you will find a starter guide below to help familiarize you with some of the basics to better prepare you for our sessions.
Getting Started
If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing and mobile pop traffic, below you will find some of my recommendations to kick things off. Please take the time to go through the video guides, documentation and other material to get more familiar with your tools, affiliate networks and traffic sources. This will save us time when beginning the coaching sessions.
If there are certain topics or questions that are holding you back from launching campaigns, write them down and send them to me through Skype a few minutes before our first session. This way we can go through them and then resume the main material being covered that day. Going forward, you should do the same for future sessions and gather your questions in advance so that we cover areas you need more understanding with.
If you already have experience with mobile pop, maybe you have a profitable campaign and are looking to scale or just grow your knowledge to take that next step, I would ask that you also gather your questions and send them to me before the beginning of each session.
The Goal
Each of you have a goal of your own in regards to working with me and I also wanted to convey what my goals are for you. My goal is to teach you the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and a clear method to research, test, build and scale profitable mobile pop campaigns in the shortest amount of time as possible. While I’d like to guarantee your success, the bottom line is you are the one in control of your own success with what knowledge I provide you. You will get more from our sessions if you are diligent and take actions on a daily basis with your campaigns. Even with my guideance you will make your own mistakes along the way, learn from it and grow.
Last Words
In affiliate marketing, there are lots of methods and strategies that work. Each of you will adapt and develop your own style over time. The advice I give you may differ from the advice of someone else, neither may be wrong, and I encourage you to always absorb information. You need to gain as much of an edge and continually educating yourself is something you should always do.
Now let’s kick things off!
Schedule Your Session
It’s best to schedule your session early in the week as my availability may change as the week progresses.
Make a Payment
Send payments by PayPal to:
Get in Touch
Skype: creatunity
Email: andrew@affiliatesuccess.com
Recommendend Tools
Below you will find my suggested tools to help get you started. Not all are necessary from the beginning but I use every one of this actively.
- Domains – Namecheap
(Stick with cheap .site domains.) - Hosting – AWS (Amazon Web Services)
You will use: S3, CloudFront, Route53 - Hosting – Rackspace Cloud
- Networking and Knowledge – STM Forum
- Spy Tool – AdPlexity
(Use promo code “AffiliateSuccess” for $50 off monthly cost.) - Tracker – Voluum
- HTML Editor – Brackets
- FTP for S3/CloudFront – Cyberduck
- Image Compressor – Optimizilla
- Communication – Skype
- Outsourcing – Upwork
- Organization – Google Drive
(Sheets, Docs, etc.)
Affiliate Networks
There are lots of affiliate networks and you can choose to use which ever you’d like but I highly recommend the first three on this list and the other two are great for the number of offers they have available for testing. Sign up to each one below using my link and you should send me a message on Skype to inform me right after you have submitted your application. I will be able to expedite most of these networks and get your account approved. If they request for an interview or background information of you, just be honest, transparent and very clear. They just want to ensure you are not a fraud risk for them.
Setup Tutorials
See below for step-by-step tutorial videos to get you started. Some of the topics covered are:
Setup your domain, Route53, S3 and CloudFront
Setup your Voluum tracker – Voluum Documentation
Setup your Affiliate Network (Cake Platform)
Traffic Sources
There are dozens and dozens of traffic sources that can be used. These below are some of the easier to get started on and have high volume to work with.
Getting Started
How to Setup Domains, DNS, Amazon S3 & CloudFront
Click the button below and use the code to setup your Amazon S3 Bucket. Remember to replace “MYBUCKET” with the name of the bucket you created.
Amazon S3 Bucket Code
How to Setup and Use Rackspace Cloud Files
To use Rackspace Cloud Files for hosting your landing pages, you will need to follow the steps in the previous video titled “How to Setup Domains, DNS, Amazon S3 & CloudFront” to setup the Domain name, update the DNS to point to Amazon Route 53 and then you can follow the steps in this video to proper finish the setup for Rackspace.